ASDA joins as the fifth supermarket on Reward Gateway’s employee discounts platform, SmartSpending™, offering even morchoice to 1.7million users.

Today, Reward Gateway announced that ASDA joins the lineup of supermarkets available on the programme where employees can save at all of the UK’s 525 major supermarkets through their offering. Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Iceland, ASDA and Waitrose now provide employees a discount on employee’s every day spend.

Employees who use the Reward Gateway SmartSpending™ programme can save £250 a year just by doing their weekly shop and with 1.7 million users, that could save employees £425m a year. Providing this range, as well as the selection of instant vouchers and free next day delivery on reloadable cards, will see employees get even more value from their employee discount service through Reward Gateway.

For the last decade, employee discounts have been a core part of an employer’s benefits offering – they’re universal, low cost and high impact. In context, the users of Reward Gateway’s leading employee discounts programme, SmartSpending™, have saved £2.9 million from their supermarket shopping in the past year alone.

One of the key success factors of these programmes is that they enable employees to save money on everyday items, without any change to their spending habits. SmartSpending™ enables employees to save at over 850 retailers, offering a wide-ranging choice and since rolling out SmartSpending™ in 2007, supermarket shopping has always been one of the most popular ways to save through the programme.


Nicholas Weinel, Reward & Recognition Manager at DHL Express says “We already have very high engagement with our employee discounts programme, BoxClever, but the addition of ASDA is going to help even more of our employees save money on everyday items. Our people are often not desk-based so the fact it’s flexible, easy to use, has a lot of choice and available on mobile means that even our employees out in the field get to benefit.”

Molly Barton, Retail Partnerships Manager at Reward Gateway says: “Since the very beginning, genuine discounts on everyday items that have the employee’s best interest have always been at the heart of what we do at Reward Gateway. Whether you’re looking to improve your EVP, stand out from your competition, or make your salaries go further, employee benefits are a really effective way of doing that.

We’re really pleased to be partnering with ASDA to offer our clients and their employees even more flexibility and choice on how to save on their supermarket shopping. We now offer discounts with the top retailers in the UK as well as some of the best savings for our clients’ employees, so millions of users can make everyday a little bit easier and better.”