Employee Motivation: Monday Motivation

When it comes to Monday, many people dread going back to work. After a fun and relaxing weekend, returning to the grind can be a hellish prospect. Before the week’s even started, many are panicked by impending duties. Others take it easy on a Monday – the weekend leaves them lethargic and unprepared for a busy working week.

Greet Monday with the right attitude

When Monday comes around, it’s important to approach it with the right attitude. Mr Mousley, Bravington Capital CEO  suggests waking up thirty minutes earlier to exercise and to eat a well-rounded breakfast. This is also a great time for one to affirm their direction for the week. It is vital to start Monday being as calm and collected as possible, especially before the week takes on a life of its own. This is best achieved with a proactive, not reactive approach. “Everything is a choice. Do you choose to have a below average attitude towards work? Or do you choose to go against the grain and accomplish more than most? If we can apply the right attitude to everything we do then we are able to achieve more than our friends that choose to have ‘The Monday Blues.”

Show passion from the top down 

The most successful and effective leaders love what they do and are able to demonstrate that passion and instill it into their team. Anita Roddick once said, ‘to succeed, you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality.’  The Director of Live Innovations, Tom Harris ads that a positive environment cultivates positive results. “To achieve great results, you have to create a culture of optimism. Ups and downs are inevitable, but the prevalence of positivity will keep the momentum going.”

Believe Mondays can be the best!

Sir Roger Bannister was the first man to run a mile in under four minutes. Up until 1954, most people thought the four-minute mark was impossible to break. In the 1940s, the record for running a mile had reached 4:01. But it hadn’t been broken since, and some doctors and scientists posited that it was physically impossible to run a mile in less than four minutes. They thought that the human body couldn’t go that fast – that it would collapse under the pressure.

From a working class background, Bannister used his running talents to win a university scholarship to Oxford University, where he studied medicine. His performances gained media notoriety. Though he originally declined to compete in the Olympics, by 1952 he committed, becoming a firm favourite in the 1500 meters. But he failed to win a medal, and the experience made him question whether to stop running. Eventually, he decided to step up his training, using intense speed workouts and a pacer to shave off the seconds. He had the record in sights, but fierce competition also followed, namely through his main rival, Australian John Landy. On May 6th 1954, racing in dismal conditions, Bannister broke the record (finishing in 3:59.4) in front of a crowd of 3000.

After Bannister broke the record, the feat became considerably more feasible for others to tackle. The four-minute mark would go on to be broken by Landy only 46 days later; many others would follow. In a sense, Bannister had opened up the possibility to do something impossible, and suddenly everyone was able to do it.

Akashic Ventures take this notion into business every day – even Mondays. “We have an inclusive company ethos where we encourage individuals to believe that they can be the best version of themselves. Our mentoring and training not only develops professional skills but helps with individuals self-esteem, confidence and expectations of what they can achieve in their life,” says Aaron Passley, Managing Director.

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