Achievers, the progressive choice for employee voice and recognition solutions that accelerates a culture of performance, has announced its integration with WellRight, a leading corporate wellness program and configurable platform designed to boost engagement and support employees in their wellness journeys.

The integration between the platforms will streamline participation in wellness programs and reward redemptions by allowing users to experience both services seamlessly. As rewards, recognition and wellness become increasingly important to retain top talent, engage employees, and improve organizational culture, it is no longer a choice to have one over the other. Instead, a solution that offers a holistic approach to employee experience and wellness is becoming the standard for highly engaged workplaces to build and maintain their strong cultures.

“The Achievers Experience Platform is designed to bring all of your employee engagement functions together,” says Michael Cohen, Chief Product Officer at Achievers. “It serves as a bridge between employees feeling recognized and rewarded for their performance and feeling connected to the mission and values of your organization.”

WellRight is the latest vendor to join in using Achievers’ real-time open API to build platform integrations. This integration will incentivize WellRight users to participate in wellness campaigns by providing them with full access to the Achievers Rewards Marketplace. With over 400 wellness activities and challenges, WellRight empowers employees with the choice to partake in the wellness programs that uniquely suit them, in addition to services like health coaching, health risk assessment, biometrics, claims data analysis, and rewards to help build lifelong, healthy habits. WellRight’s approach addresses six key dimensions of wellbeing: emotional, financial, occupational, social, physical, and purpose.

“Most employers offer wellness or rewards and recognition. However, top employers offer both,” says Tad Mitchell, President and CEO of WellRight. “Our integration with Achievers helps the two systems work together seamlessly, making it easier for employers and employees alike.”