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The sharp increase of daily conference calls has brought a whole new set of buzzwords and phrases into our work lives.

With the government now advising people to work from home if they can, conference calls will continue to be the main source of communication for those working from home.


For that reason, Easy Offices surveyed 1,000 UK workers, to find out which phrases we as a nation find the most annoying,  as well as what awkward moments we’ve experienced whilst on conference calls.


Those surveyed crowned “I need to jump on another call” as the UK’s most annoying phrase to hear on a conference call, with a fifth of respondents saying so. This was followed by “You’re on mute” and “We lost you for a minute there”.


The top 10 most annoying phrases



“I need to jump on another call”


“You’re on mute”


“We lost you for a minute there”


“Do we have everyone here?”


“Can you see my screen”


“Can everyone mute themselves please”


“Let’s take this offline”


“Conscious there’s only X minutes left”


“I’m getting really bad feedback”


“I’ve got a hard stop at X o’clock”


When asking about interruptions during calls, a third (33%) of people experienced interruptions to business calls by children or other parties.


The findings also showed that 22% of respondents heard a colleague say something inappropriate. 17% said they saw someone picking their nose, with the IT and telecoms industry being the worst when it comes to this bad habit.


But this is not the worst habit observed, 13% of those surveyed said they witnessed someone farting or belching on a conference call. This rises in the sales and marketing industry where 20% said this has happened.


Furthermore, 13% said they had witnessed people arguing with other people at home while on a call, and saw someone being partially or fully naked (10%).


Over half (53%) of the UK would prefer to have their cameras off during calls, 41% stating it actually makes them feel uncomfortable. However, that is not an option for over a third (36%) who admitted that they had been pressured by their employers to have their camera on, with some feedback stating that when talking to people outside of your own organisation trust levels were decreased when a person was not visible.


45% of employees stated that they participate in other activities, with 32% even leaving the room while on a conference call.


21% said they had someone commenting on their appearance or surroundings, with men receiving more comments (25%) compared to women (15%). Age is also a factor in this with 31% of 25-34-year-olds stating colleagues had made derogatory comments compared to 11% of 45-54-year-olds and just 6% of 55+ year olds.


Andy De Wet Steyn from Easy Offices commented: “It was quite surprising to see what people say they experienced on a conference call, from witnessing someone’s bad habits to having colleagues commenting on people’s appearance and surroundings.


“Our research highlights that we all need to be professional while on a conference call and friendly to our colleagues, keeping the same behaviour we would have in the office.”