There is a big debate going on right now about whether or not businesses should spy on their employees. On the one hand, some people believe that it is an invasion of privacy and can lead to mistrust among coworkers. On the other hand, others believe that it is necessary in order to ensure that company secrets are not leaked and that employees are productive. So, what do you think? Should businesses spy on their employees or not? How can employees spy? By putting keyloggers on their work computers, for example. Or by using software to track their internet usage and see what websites they are visiting. Or simply sitting in the bins or under a desk with a newspaper. Two holes are advised to provide the abilities of sight. Sounds great. Yes,in all seriousness there are a few arguments in favor of spying on employees. First of all, if you have nothing to hide, then you shouldn’t mind if your employer is watching you. Secondly, if your employer is spying on you, it means that they trust you enough to give you access to sensitive information. And finally, if your employer is spying on you, it means that they are taking measures to protect their business interests. On the other hand, there are a few arguments against spying on employees. First of all, it can lead to a feeling of mistrust among coworkers. Secondly, it can make employees feel like they are being treated like children. And finally, it can lead to a feeling of paranoia among employees. Does spying seem to make employees work any harder? The jury is still out on this one. There are those who believe that spying makes employees work harder because they feel like they have to prove themselves to their employer. On the other hand, there are those who believe that spying makes employees less productive because they feel like they are being watched all the time. Can an employer see all the data history of Wi-Fi use? This depends on the type of spying software that is being used. Some software only tracks internet usage, while other software can track everything from internet usage to keystrokes. How do they find the time to analyse all this data? There are a few different ways to analyse data. Some businesses hire analysts to do it for them, while others use software to do it automatically. And what are they looking for? This depends on the business. Some businesses are looking for employees who are productive, while others are looking for employees who are not leaking company secrets. Is it legal? The legality of spying on employees depends on the country you live in. In some countries, it is perfectly legal for employers to spy on their employees. In other countries, however, such as the United Kingdom, it is illegal for employers to spy on their employees without their consent. What’s the long term goal? If you are considering spying on your employees, you need to ask yourself what you would do with the information that you gathered. Would you use it to discipline employees? Would you use it to fire employees? Would you use it to blackmail employees? Or would you simply use it to keep tabs on what your employees are doing? Have any businesses been doing this? There are a few companies that have been caught spying on their employees. In 2012, it was revealed that the German company Siemens had been spying on its employees for years. And in 2013, it was revealed that the American company Verizon had been secretly collecting data from its employees’ phones. What do employees think? A survey of American employees found that 60% of them would be “very concerned” if they knew their employer was spying on them. And a survey of British employees found that 70% of them believe that employers should not be allowed to spy on their employees without their consent. Post navigation From the Industrial Revolution to the Digital Age: A History of Productivity in the Workplace