Ferrying the kids around, having a boss who breathes down your neck – and the daily stress of running a family home, have emerged among a list of things the older generation DO NOT miss about being younger, according to a new study. But what can this tell you about how to motivate younger generations? It seems that there are a range of things that the over 60’s surveyed did not miss. Worrying about weight, being woken up by the sound of an alarm clock, and the constant juggle of work and childcare, but as well as this waiting for pay day, being at work 5 days a week and having to ‘keep time’ were all big regrets. Perhaps you can adjust the working conditions of employees to day to ensure a long, fulfilling and fondly remembered career in years to come. Of those polled, 87 percent said, although they enjoyed their youth and miss certain aspects of it – they are just as happy now as they ever were, with nearly two thirds (63 percent) saying they are happier now than they have ever been. More than half said their relationship with their spouse was at its best now – with half saying it was due to not having the stress of work and running a family home. Nearly three quarters of those polled said they were happy with what they had achieved in life with marriage, children, owning a home and travelling the world among the biggest accomplishments. A spokesman for retirement housebuilder, McCarthy & Stone who commissioned the survey of 1,500 over 60s, said: “Many of the things the older generation don’t miss involve work – and that comes as no surprise. We are all looking forward to the day we don’t have to endure the commute to the office and deal with the stresses that our jobs place on us. WHAT THE OVER 60S DO NOT MISS ABOUT BEING YOUNG 1. Being at work five days a week 2. Having to get up to an alarm clock 3. Having to be up and out the house at a certain time 4. Revising for and sitting exams 5. Enduring the daily commute to work 6. Financial worries 7. Having to dress suitably for work everyday 8. Having to spend your working week with people you don’t like 9. Having a boss who breathes down your neck 10. Getting children up and ready for school 11. Juggling work and family commitments 12. Waiting for pay day 13. Tidying up after the children all day long 14. Worrying about what other people think 15. Having awkward first dates 16. Never having a lie-in 17. Ironing school uniforms on a Sunday night 18. Not being confident in myself 19. Packing everything but the kitchen sink for family holidays 20. Struggling to get on the property ladder 21. Juggling afterschool activities and parents evening etc 22. The stress of running a family home 23. Worrying so much about my looks 24. Worrying so much about what the scales say 25. Cooking large family meals every night 26. Competitiveness amongst friends 27. Having to do DIY at the weekends 28. Cooking several different meals for the family every night 29. Doing a big weekly food shop 30. Having to host the family Christmas 31. Having to socialise with other parents 32. Spending all day staring at a screen 33. Being called out as an emergency service when kids breakdown Do any of these resonate with you? Now could be the ideal time to make a change. Incentive and Motivation offers the latest news in employee benefits, rewards, incentive programmes and recognition. Discover the best employee engagement platform, learn about communicating your incentives or the latest tech in the HR space. Popular posts: Understanding motivation and incentives in the workplace How to align incentives with your business goals The importance of incentives Using incentives to win new business Creative rewards for employees Rewarding employees without cash How to reward employees for a job well done Rewarding in a global business Employee incentive program examples Post navigation Tales from nightmare interviews | Incentive&Motivation Reward Cloud and Gift Off open gift card market to cryptocurrencies | Incentive&Motivation