City Toyota is the latest partner to join Loyalty app, the Western Australian mobile rewards program with points as good as cash™. Loyalty app offers its members the ability to earn points on niche purchases such as paying rent, where payments would typically become dead money. Users can also share their favourite Loyalty app partner businesses and earn more points when their friends shop there too; plus paying with points is simple and transparent. The rewards program app, available on iPhone or android, features no sign-up expenses for businesses, or cards to carry around for consumers. Ronnie Elhaj, Founder of Loyalty app and WA’s leading property group Nicheliving, says the program was developed to respond to consumers’ frustration at not getting true value or transparency from their existing loyalty programs. “The app is easy to use with clear and consistent value for customers and partners,” Ronnie says. Under the partnership, City Toyota will award loyalty points to every guest who uses Loyalty app to make a purchase at one of its three dealerships. City Toyota’s Guest Experience Coordinator Barry Evans recognizes the advantages of aligning these dealerships with a local loyalty program. “We see many potential benefits arising from this new partnership with Loyalty app. The program is an excellent way to provide additional value to each of our guests and has the power to help specific dealerships improve customer retention”. Loyalty app Director Ronnie Elhaj welcomes City Toyota to the program. “As Toyota is such a significant brand, we see this partnership as a strong endorsement for the program and the value it can provide to West Australians”. Loyalty app is a true coalition program and is the first of its kind in Australia. It offers local businesses the opportunity to reward customers for purchasing big ticket items such as homes, furniture and now cars as well. Unlike other loyalty programs, users can earn points faster on every dollar they spend. Users can also pay with points and refer friends to earn even more points. For more information on Loyalty app, visit Post navigation The Importance of Incentives – igniting business for the better Launch: HR Cloud Launches Workmates App