Employee Incentives News: Gig economy now steers towards shift workers

Industry professionals are estimating that over 25 percent of today’s U.S. workforce is composed of freelancers workers. Indications are pointing to that the percentage could equate to over 60 million independent workers. Clearly the job market is evolving past the traditional one-job employment!

ShiftPixy, Inc. a disruptive Gig Economy platform provider, announced that it has launched its shift worker mobile app in both the Android and iOS stores for immediate use by ShiftPixy team members in the field. The new app has been designed to bridge the gap between providers of shift-based employment and employees looking for additional, hourly opportunities.

What is it?

“A powerful scheduling and recruiting platform opening real-time access to thousands of mobilized, contingent shift workers.”

Benefits for employers:

  • Access mobile/contingent workforce in real-time
  • Shift all reporting & compliance without compromise or failure
  • Superior end-to-end technology
  • Turn open shifts into a broadcast to several qualified and available shifter candidates
  • Cap and decrease escalating workers compensation costs
  • “Shifters” (workers) can access and pick shifts real-time through the ShiftPixy mobile app
  • Co-employment options for maximizing your growth strategy and liberating your business

ShiftPixy’s Co-founder and CEO, Scott Absher, stated, “The mobile workforce revolution is in full swing. Today’s launch starts our introduction and engagement process for shift workers who are now part of the ShiftPixy ecosystem. The ShiftPixy platform empowers employers to find fully vetted, onboarded and ready workers to fill needed shifts, while employees who have the time, desire and ability can now find new work opportunities with the best employers looking for their specific skills.”

Absher continued, “Our society is moving towards an on-demand lifestyle. Our current and growing employee base will be able to onboard themselves with ShiftPixy through the mobile app and begin to manage their personal work lives, giving them the freedom to work when they want, for how long they want, and even for whom they want – as long as the worksite employer is part of the ShiftPixy universe.” Mr. Absher went on to say, “This launch automates the connection between current ShiftPixy field staff to make the onboarding process very simple and paperless. This app is now an employee’s secure personal gateway to manage their employee data, engage in interactive, real-time scheduling and connect to locally available shift opportunities.”

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